• Scholarships
• Education
• Mentoring
• Complimentary Club Membership to 4-H beekeepers
• and County Fair Award
Educational opportunities to 4-H clubs and 4-H individuals are available through our 4-H and Youth program.
The GCBA provides an equipment award of a hive smoker to the 4-H Beekeeping Project 1st place winner in the Senior Division. We also award each member who completes the project a commemorative hive tool.
4-H Scholarship Award:
The GCBA sponsors selected individual 4-H members by donating some equipment to help budding beekeepers get started with bees. The selected member(s) typically receives 1 basic hive setup upon confirmation that they have arranged for purchase or otherwise acquire a colony of bees to populate their new hive. The hive consists of four 8-frame medium depth boxes with frames and foundation, an IPM bottom board with entrance reducer, a queen excluder, an inner cover and telescoping top cover. The equipment comes unassembled, and the 4-H mentor will show the awardee how to get started. The hive must be ready, built and painted, prior to the arrival of the bees.
Application for this scholarship is due annually March 10th.
GCBA 4-H Sponsorship guidelines:
The Greene County Beekeepers Association will selectively sponsor Greene County 4-H members by donating a basic hive setup.
Conditions of this donation
(b) Bees must be ordered/coordinated through a GCBA approved source no later than April 1st(estimated cost $130-$150, subject to package availability).
(c) The member must comply with all local and State legal requirements. Ohio Apiary registration fee: $5. CLICK HERE
(d) The member must write two brief articles for our newsletter; one introducing yourself explaining way you choose to do beekeeping and one mid-season explaining how your beekeeping is progressing.
(e) The member must complete the project (i.e., 4-H judged at the Greene County Fair).
(f) The 4-H member must attend a fall meeting of the GCBA. The member should be prepared to tell the club one thing they learned from their project and present their poster and booklet that they took to the Fair.
(g) If the 4-H member decides not to continue as a beekeeper, they agree to return the hive to GCBA or donate it to another GCBA approved 4-H member who wishes to assume the project/responsibility.
(h) The 4-H member is responsible for obtaining their own protective apparel and other equipment related to the 4-H project.
This can be obtained for the Greene County Extension Office by ordering ahead. Required.
Suggested Reading For beginners:
Beekeeping For Dummies, 5th Edition. Howland Blackiston. - $20 Amazon
Beekeeping for Beginners, 2024 Edition. Michael York. - $18 Amazon
Backyard Beekeeping: Everything You Need to know to Start Your First Hive. 2020. - $16 Amazon
BeeCabulary Essentials. 2018. Andrew Conner- $30 Blue Sky Bee Supply.